won a second prize of Baan Lae suan magazine competition
Won mini house idea competition of Baan lae suan 2011.
This design was published on 2012 January
TEAM : Tanachat Sooksawasd

Published on Property Report magazine. Worked for Soda company
When i worked at Soda Architect. i took in charged of Anantara VC' s pool Villa project.
Anantara pool villa project was published in issue107 september 2013.

Represent The university of tokyo to Exhibit at Lemon Exhibition
Only one selected to represent The university of tokyo to exhibited at Lemon Exhibition of Architecture student works ( Meiji University ). This project was organized by Toshio Otsuki Laboratory. This Project was publish in 40th Lemon Exhibition magazine.
TEAM : Tim Counsin/ Shawn law/ Cui Fingyun

Win Water cultural competition project
( Copenhagen, Denmark ). Worked for kengo Kuma
I joined the second phase of this competition project at KKAA ( kengo kuma and assosiate ) when i was a second years student of Kuma lab. Our team won this competition in 2017

Win Slaughterhouse redevelop competition project ( Porto, Portugal ). Worked for Kengo Kuma
I joined this project at KKAA ( kengo kuma and assosiate ) when i was a second years student of Kuma lab. I started this project after finished water cultural competition project. Our team also won this competition in 2018

Jins Glass shop @ 6th floor Ginza loft( Tokyo, japan ). published on Archdaily. Worked for Schemata Architect, Jo Nagasaka
When i worked at Schemata Architect. I was a main staff who took in charged on Jins Glass shop @ ginza loft. This project was published by japanese's local media and international media such as archdaily
TEAM : Masami Nakata, Ou ueno